Grape jam

So, I have a lot of grapes harvested from the garden, but not quite enough to make wine with. I can’t physically eat all of them and since they are seeded grapes, I can’t make them into raisins. Besides, there is not enough sun here to raisinify (Yes, it is a word. Just because I made it up, doesn’t mean it is less of a word) grapes.

It would be a shame to let the grapes rot away, so I decided to make jam!

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First ever pear

I have just harvested and eaten my first ever home grown pear from my3 year old little minarette tree.

The pear was so sweet that it almost tasted like honey. I don’t think I can ever eat shop-bought pears ever again.

Signs of wonderful things to come, indeed.

Fried green tomatoes

Okay, the bad news is my tomatoes in the tunnel had been hit by the late blight. I blame the humidity and rightly so.

The plants looked a bit wilty on Friday evening when I got home from work, closer inspection was at that time… ermm… impossible.  You see, at the moment I noticed the wiltiness (is that a word?), I also noticed that I nearly stepped on a huge (well, about 1 foot long), furry, grey and dead thing. My subsequent (and speedy) departure from the area back into the house meant that I failed to identify the nature of the huge, furry, grey and dead thing.

Denty later confirmed that it was a rat.

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It was my birthday

Last week Denty and I took days off work (Monday and Tuesday) to make it an extra long weekend, one that Denty called the extended Muks birthday weekend.

There were many fantastic moments over the four days, and one of my favourite was watching Denty decorate the birthday cake he made for me. The making and baking of the cake, in Denty’s own words, had many moments of utter distress. Anyway, the cake baked fine. Denty did that while I was still in bed. While he waitied for the cake to cool down, he went to wake me up with coffee and presents.

I will talk about the presents later. Once the cake cooled down, Denty started on the frosting while I enjoyed watching the clouds of flour and sugar puffing all over the kitchen.

I thought it turned out pretty well.

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